Rental Boats | Gorge Downwind Champs
Rentals will be directly thru sponsors or individuals - give them a call today to ensure you get the boat you want
(Contact us ASAP if you have a personal craft you would like to rent out - Outriggers Needed) - email here
Epic Kayaks – Kenny Howell
Fenn / Carbonology – Ocean Paddle Sports
Fenn / Carbonology / Stellar – Ocean Flight - Bob Schade 858.335.8586
Think – Daryl
Stellar - Ben Lawry
Nelo USA - hello@nelous.com
Nordic Kayaks USA - info@nordickayaks-usa.com
Gorge Performance - 503-246-6646
Three Oceans. Nelo and Nalu Canoes in OC1 and OC2
These are very hard to find. Best bet is trying out the Local Forums on Facebook or the individual rental google doc below.
Participant crowd sourced Rent your boat Google Sheets
(Note: The Gorge Champs has no affiliation with this list or individuals who list their boat here. Use at your own risk)
Rent a boat here directly from an individual
Lists your boat here
Please do not edit any lines that you did not create